Pitambari Products Private Limited
Pitambari Products Private Limited
Naupada, Thane, Maharashtra
08048966214 81% Response Rate
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About Us

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Corporate social responsibility for Pitambari has been the corner stone of success from time of inception. The company has always believed in the standards set up by its founder Late Shri. Wamanrao Prabhudesai, that we must give back to the society the same love and support that the society has given the company in its formative and progressive years, thus, It has been in the DNA of Pitambari to give back to nature & Society what we take from it. With full of heartfelt gratitude towards society and nature we not only pray for the mankind’s well being, but also we promise that will continue to contribute some of the shares of the profit to our society & Nature.

Several Corporate social responsibility projects are undertaken by the company that includes social, cultural and spiritual aspects. We have also contributed to cultural events to up bring the hidden talents of new comers in the society.
By doing so, it seeks to remain responsive to the demands and expectations of its employees, local communities and other stakeholders, and influence the quality of life and economic prospects of people across the country.

There is no restriction on the opportunities for involvement, which would include Child care, Community Centers, Medical Relief, Sports, Art, Culture and the Performing Arts and Philanthropy. It is not essential that these programs be related to the business of the Company. The technology used in the manufacture of our products shall not result in effluents or toxic waste being released unless treated in accordance with the prevalent pollution control laws.

Every effort shall be made to maintain the ecological balance, conserve scarce natural resources and avoid pollution. All employees are encouraged to contribute to society and their communities during their leisure time. Best Regards, Ravindra V Prabhudesai, Managing Director